
Python Sparse data Analysis Package


This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the class signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the gallery for the big picture.

class pysap.base.plugins.PluginsMetaImportHook[source]

A class that import a module like normal except for the plugins that monted on the pysap plugins module. The return value from the hack call is put into sys.modules.

find_module(name, path=None)[source]

This method is called by Python if this class is on sys.path. ‘name’ is the fully-qualified name of the module to look for, and ‘path’ is either __path__ (for submodules and subpackages) or None (for a top-level module/package).

Note that this method will be called every time an import statement is detected (or __import__ is called), before Python’s built-in package/module-finding code kicks in.


This method is called by Python if the class ‘find_module’ does not return None. ‘name’ is the fully-qualified name of the module/package that was requested.

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© 2019, Antoine Grigis Samuel Farrens Jean-Luc Starck Philippe Ciuciu